Looking for guidance on digital wellbeing, but not in need of therapy?

Explore our consultations, training, and workshops at the California Center for Digital Wellbeing, where we help individuals, families, and organizations create healthier relationships with technology.

Are You Guiding Your Digital Life, or Is It Guiding You?

I understand the profound impact that technology can have on our lives.

As Director of the California Center for Digital Wellbeing, I offer:

  • 🧑‍💻 Consultations, Training, and Workshops
    Providing practical tools, strategies, and educational insights.

  • 💡 Focus on Awareness and Choice
    Helping individuals, families, and organizations become more aware of how technology influences their lives.

  • 🔧 Proactive Solutions
    Empowering you to make conscious, deliberate choices in how you engage with digital devices.

Whether you're a parent concerned about your teen's screen time, an educator looking to integrate digital wellness into your curriculum, or an individual seeking balance in a tech-saturated world, these services are designed to empower you with practical tools and strategies.

To learn more and take the next step towards a more balanced and intentional digital life, visit DigitalWellbeingCA.com and discover how we can work together.

  • In our increasingly connected world, finding balance between technology and personal wellbeing is essential. As a relatively new concept, definitions of digital wellbeing are still evolving and lack a definitive consensus. With that said...

    In my view, digital wellbeing isn’t about disconnecting entirely; it’s about cultivating a healthy, intentional relationship with your digital devices. It’s about inviting technology into your life on your terms, ensuring it enhances your experiences rather than invasively stealing your attention, time, and energy from the things that truly matter.

  • While there is some overlap between my work in therapy and digital wellness, my approach in digital wellbeing consultations through the California Center for Digital Wellbeing is distinct and separate from therapy services.

    These consultations focus on providing practical tools, strategies, and education and do not include therapy services (such as in-depth process work, trauma processing, diagnostic assessments, or mental health treatment).

    Should it become evident during a digital wellbeing consultation that therapy services are needed:

    • I will refer you to a qualified therapist,

    • and/or provide resources to help you find one, ensuring you are pointed toward the proper care.


I’m not looking to be prescriptive and tell you exactly what to do. Rather, I’m interested in helping individuals (teens, adults, all ages!), families, and organizations develop a greater awareness of how digital technologies and media operate and the effects they have on your daily life. My goal is to support you in shifting towards making more conscious, deliberate, and preferred choices in how you engage with and integrate digital devices, platforms, and media into your life.

🌱🌻🍃 A guiding image: Think of your digital life as a garden. By fostering this awareness, you can navigate your digital habits with intention, like tending a garden—cultivating what you value and weeding out what doesn’t serve you (and there is often a lot to weed out). This approach ensures that the growth in your digital life aligns with your values and aims to nourish you, leading to a more balanced and intentional digital life.

Chad's deep knowledge of the traps and pitfalls of our modern, technologically driven society is evident after just a short time with him. His radical "counter-culture" position on the relational use of social media technologies stems from his commitment to staying on top of new research and his insider experience as a professional in the industry.”

Brian Wainwright, LMFT
Monterey Peninsula Center for Narrative Therapy

Ready to take the next step?
