Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes.

    Please visit my Therapy Services page to see my various offerings.

    Click here to schedule your free 30-minute consultation to discuss our potential fit.

  • Absolutely!

    I offer a free 30-minute consultation for us to assess whether we are a good fit.

    To schedule, click here.

  • I hesitate to say I "specialize" in one specific area because what brings people to therapy is often interconnected with other challenges. As a trained generalist, I’m equipped to help you explore and address a range of issues, such as:

    • 😟 Anxiety

    • 😔 Depression

    • 🌊 Coping with stress and overwhelm

    • 💔 Relationship distress

    • 🌱 Life transitions

    • 🪞 Self-esteem and identity concerns

    • 🌹 Grief and loss

    • 🏥 Navigating chronic health challenges

    Some clients who have felt stuck or disappointed with previous therapy experiences have found my approach—informed by narrative therapy practices—refreshing and meaningful. (If this is your first time seeking therapy, please ignore therapy jargon.)

    Additionally, I have advanced knowledge in digital wellness 🌐, making me a go-to resource for individuals and families aiming to cultivate healthier relationships with technology.

  • I do not accept insurance directly.

    • However, I do partner with Mentaya — a service that helps you use your "out-of-network" insurance benefits to get insurance to cover part of the cost of therapy.

    • On average, Mentaya helps patients get reimbusred 62% of their money back!

    • Click HERE to use Mentaya's instant benefits calculator to see if you qualify.

    • To learn more about Mentaya, visit

    I can provide monthly superbills upon request.

    Under the “No Surprises Act,” you have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate.” The required notice can be found HERE.

  • Rates vary depending on the therapy service.

    Please visit my Therapy Services page, which has rates clearly listed under each offering.

  • I accept all major credit and debit cards through IVY Pay, a secure, HIPAA-compliant payment platform designed with your privacy and convenience in mind.

  • Yes, I offer a limited number of fee-adjusted slots to ensure therapy remains accessible. If the cost of therapy seems out of reach, please feel free to discuss your financial concerns with me. I’m open to finding a solution that works for both of us, and if these slots are full or we can’t find a suitable arrangement, I’m happy to provide referrals to other resources that might better fit your needs.

    Additionally, I’ve partnered with Mentaya, a service that helps streamline the reimbursement process for out-of-network therapy benefits. You can explore how to maximize your insurance benefits and potentially reduce out-of-pocket costs by using Mentaya’s benefits calculator. CLICK HERE to see if you qualify.

  • Under the “No Surprises Act,” you have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost.

    Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the expected charges for medical services, including psychotherapy services.

    You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services, including psychotherapy services.

    You can ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule a service.

    If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

    For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit

    • Individual, couples, and family sessions: Typically 50 minutes, once a week.

    • Group sessions: Typically 60-90 minutes, once a week.

    Some clients prefer longer sessions (75 or 90 minutes) or even 2-4 hour "intensives" to more thoroughly address their concerns.

    Additionally, as progress is made, some may choose to decrease the frequency of sessions to every other week or once per month.

    We will regularly check in on the changes in your life, assess whether your hopes and goals for therapy have been met, and determine together when it is appropriate to conclude our work.

  • Yes, as I am only registered to practice therapy with those who are in California.

    Separate of therapy services, I offer Digital Wellbeing consultations worldwide which you can learn more about here.

  • I see clients all across California via telehealth using HIPAA-compliant Zoom.

    I offer 'walk and talk' therapy as an alternative option for clients around the Monterey Peninsula, which you can learn more about on my Therapy Services page.

  • If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please let me know as soon as possible. I kindly ask for at least 24 hours' notice whenever possible.

    Most therapists and mental health clinics charge a full fee for late cancellations or 'no-shows.' I am not most therapists.

    Sometimes life gets in the way. I get it.

    Here’s how I handle late cancellations and no-shows (per calendar year):

    • First Late Cancellation/No-Show: No charge. I know things happen.

    • Second Late Cancellation/No-Show: 50% of the normal session fee is charged.

    • Third Late Cancellation/No-Show: 50% of the normal session fee is charged, and we'll have a conversation to explore if our current arrangement is still the best fit for your needs and and how to move forward.

    I reserve the right to waive late cancelation/no-show fees in the event of genuine emergencies at my discretion.

  • Yes.

    Engaging in my own therapy is incredibly important to me, both personally and professionally.

    Personally, it helps me stay grounded, gain insights into my own inner workings, and better live the life I want to live.

    Professionally, it helps remind me of the therapeutic process from the client's perspective and supports me in managing the unique emotional demands of my work. This, in turn, helps me provide the best support possible to my clients.

  • I prioritize your teen's privacy to create a safe and effective therapeutic environment. While I am legally required to report certain situations that involve serious risk, such as harm to self, others, or instances of abuse, I will maintain your teen's confidentiality in all other aspects unless we have agreed otherwise during our informed consent process. This ensures that your teen feels comfortable discussing their feelings and challenges openly, often leading to more honest and transformative discussions in therapy.

    If you have specific questions or concerns about your teen's therapy, please feel free to bring them to my attention. I will discuss these with your teen, and together, we will determine the most appropriate way to address your inquiries while respecting their comfort and privacy. Supporting your teen’s autonomy in therapy is crucial for their personal growth and self-efficacy.

  • I understand that as a parent, you naturally have an interest in your teen's therapy progress and overall wellbeing. While specific session content will remain confidential to respect your teen's privacy, I am here to discuss any concerns you may have and, with your teen's consent, can provide pertinent updates on their general progress or significant issues that may arise.

    When providing updates, I take a collaborative approach by consulting with your teen to determine what information they are comfortable sharing. This practice ensures that you stay informed while also respecting your teen's autonomy and supporting their growth in therapy.

    If you have specific concerns or questions, I encourage you to bring them to my attention. We (you and I) will address these collaboratively, ensuring that we respect the boundaries of confidentiality and adhere to therapeutic best practices. Together (with your teen), we can explore ways to address your concerns that align with both your teen's comfort and the therapeutic process.

Still have questions? Let’s chat.